
18 items total


Bouquet of red roses 50 cm
85 Kč –35 %
55 Kč

A bouquet of beautiful red roses, choose how many you want. The minimum order quantity is 19 pcs. We guarantee a stem length of at least 50 cm.

Code: 2049
Bouquet of red roses 70 cm
129 Kč –34 %
85 Kč

Bouquet of red roses, choose how many you want. The minimum order quantity is 15 pcs. We guarantee a stem length of at least 70 cm.

Code: 1215
35940420 ml
from 1 990 Kč up to –50 %
from 990 Kč

Bouquet of 21 beautiful white roses, ruscus and bridal veil wrapped in colorful mesh.

Code: 114/MAL
from 1 763 Kč up to –18 %
from 1 490 Kč

Please choose the option of how many roses you want to send. The guaranteed length of the rose stem is at least 40 cm. The bouquet is composed of pink roses of the AQUA variety.

Code: 1869/41
red naomi 100
from 1 890 Kč up to –31 %
from 1 449 Kč

Please choose the option of how many roses you want to send. The guaranteed length of the rose stem is at least 50 cm. The bouquet is composed of premium red roses of the RED NAOMI variety.

Code: 246/21
red naomi 100
Sale Tip
from 1 800 Kč up to –35 %
from 1 275 Kč

Please choose the option of how many roses you want to send. The guaranteed length of the rose stem is at least 70 cm. The bouquet is composed of premium RED NAOMI red roses.

Code: 1890/15
Sale Tip
from 2 255 Kč up to –47 %
from 1 353 Kč

Please choose the option of how many roses you want to send. The guaranteed length of the rose stem is at least 40 cm. The bouquet is composed of red roses of the RED CALYPSO variety.

Code: 2936/41
from 1 550 Kč up to –47 %
from 1 240 Kč

Please choose the option of how many roses you want to send. The guaranteed length of the rose stem is at least 50 cm. The bouquet is composed of red roses of the RED CALYPSO variety.

Code: 2042/31
from 1 845 Kč up to –22 %
from 1 599 Kč

Please choose the option of how many roses you want to send. The guaranteed length of the rose stem is at least 40 cm. The bouquet is composed of roses of the ENSEMBLE variety.

Code: 1902/41
Sale Tip
from 1 785 Kč up to –50 %
from 987 Kč

Please choose the option of how many roses you want to send. The guaranteed length of the rose stem is at least 40 cm. The bouquet is composed of red roses of the MADAM RED variety.

Code: 1938/21
Nový projekt(3)
from 1 845 Kč up to –17 %
from 1 599 Kč

Please choose the option of how many roses you want to send. The guaranteed length of the rose stem is at least 40 cm. Color composition of the bouquet according to the current stock.

Code: 2006/41
Nový projekt(1)
from 1 845 Kč up to –36 %
from 1 599 Kč

Please choose the option of how many roses you want to send. The guaranteed length of the rose stem is at least 40 cm. The bouquet is composed of red and white roses.

Code: 2096/41
Nový projekt
from 1 763 Kč up to –32 %
from 1 353 Kč

Please choose the option of how many roses you want to send. The guaranteed length of the rose stem is at least 40 cm. The bouquet is composed of red and pink roses.

Code: 2099/41
pixlr bg result (14)
from 1 990 Kč up to –37 %
from 1 290 Kč

A mixed bouquet of yellow and white roses at least 40 cm long. Perfect for birthday parties. Choose from the offered size options.

Code: 3021/MAL
pixlr bg result (91)
from 1 763 Kč up to –18 %
from 1 599 Kč

Please choose the option of how many roses you want to send. The guaranteed length of the rose stem is at least 40 cm. The bouquet is composed of red roses complemented by one white one in the middle.

Code: 2102/41
from 2 040 Kč up to –41 %
from 1 490 Kč

Please choose the option of how many roses you want to send. The guaranteed length of the rose stem is at least 40 cm. The bouquet is composed of white ATHENA roses.

Code: 1960/41
from 1 763 Kč up to –18 %
from 1 599 Kč

Please choose the option of how many roses you want to send. The guaranteed length of the rose stem is at least 40 cm. The bouquet is composed of yellow roses of the SEFER variety.

Code: 1893/41
pixlr bg result (2)
1 990 Kč up to –50 %
from 990 Kč

Míchaná kytice ze žlutých a malinových růží. Ideální pro narozeninové oslavy. Vyberte si z nabízených velikostních variant.

Code: 2988/MAL